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There is a pretty good chance that your child’s teeth might look perfectly fine to you, because who could imagine a toddler two, three, or four years old having cavities in their teeth? With a total of 20 baby teeth, it seems that a child who has yet to have started kindergarten would require a visit to the dentist for a mouth full of cavities or a root canal. Unfortunately, things are going in exactly that direction. We are seeing more and more children under the age of six undergoing serious dental procedures.

The most obvious reason for dental problems and tooth decay in children is the consumption of sugary beverages, candies, simple carbs in the form of foods like bread, pasta, and french fries which kids always seem to prefer. Add into that the fact that modern parents often keep their youngsters content and calm with constant snacking. Children from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds are often reported with 6 to 10 cavities in their youth, sometimes even more than that, because of the unhealthy diet associated with lower income. But it’s not just their living situation that causes this issue, as toddlers from well-off families have seen a notable increase in oral disease as well.  Most of the time, it becomes a necessity to give children undergoing dental procedures general anesthesia. While not the standard for procedures like root canals in adults, children often do not tolerate the dental repairs while being awake, which leads to difficulty in completing the procedure effectively and safely.

One must never forget that general anesthesia and or any such sedation holds potential negative effects for the child. General anesthesia will always hold some health risk, though any conscientious and skilled dentist will never place your child in such a critical position if at all possible. Anesthesia can also be a burden financially to the parents. It is always better to treat children while they are awake, although this does mean that they do have to bear with some considerable amount of discomfort and possible fear -as well as the potential for pain- with composure, which can prove very difficult to younger children.

There are times when children are seen being rushed into emergency because of swollen faces. This is due to complications that arise from untreated cavities. It is always better to treat cavities and issues regularly and to see dentists with the right frequency, in order to avoid more critical circumstances that arise from untreated problems and cause serious health concerns later on. Never neglect your child’s oral health and pay attention to his food intake. That way you will ensure that he doesn’t land himself in any kind of tooth emergency.

The best solution is to take enough preventive measures so that the need to visit a dentist doesn’t arise in the first place:

  • Drinking Fluoridated water.
  • Getting rid of the excessive sweets and beverages, and making your children have a balanced diet.
  • Giving proper attention to the oral hygiene of your children.
  • Setting up consistent appointments with a dentist for checkups.
  • The bacteria that causes tooth decay can be contagious, so don’t allow your child to share his pacifier, toothbrush, or other items that go into their mouths with anyone else.

One of the most effective preventive methods is the wiping of the gums prior to the development of bacteria. As soon as the teeth start erupting, it is best to introduce the use of the toothbrush after each feeding or meal. Of course, this is definitely not as easy as brushing your own teeth but for the safety of the teeth of your children, this is a necessity. It also helps train children into the routine of dental hygiene from a younger age. Although the ideal situation is brushing after each meal, for children who are in daycare that doesn’t seem to be an ideal option. For them, brushing twice a day, morning and evening, will usually suffice.

Introducing your children to Fluoride is also very important. Just a small smear of any Fluoride toothpaste will be enough for the young ones. You can also think about flossing for children that have enough baby teeth to floss between, which is just as important for preventing disease as brushing. You need to keep a special check on the back molars which are at the highest risk of developing cavities. The kids need these baby molars until 10 to 12 years of age, therefore, it becomes very important to keep them clean and healthy.

Keeping your child’s oral health in mind now can help stem the trend of preschoolers undergoing dental procedures. It keeps your child safe, keeps them from experiencing pain, discomfort, and health risks. It also saves you from the expense and worry of having a child undergoing a preventable root canal or oral surgery procedure.